Thomas Merton's life and writings speak to us as clearly today as they did fifty years ago. His commitment to contemplative wisdom and practice, to social justice and nonviolence his ecumenism, and his ecological sensibilities offer a prophetic message that is truly "a voice for our times." On the occasion of his centenary, CNV-Iowa is pleased to sponsor a panel of presentations and readings to celebrate the man and his remarkable life.
Speakers and Readers:
9:00 Welcome and Introduction
Dr. Cynthia Ingham, on behalf of Campaign Nonviolence-Iowa
9:10 Patrick J. McDonald, Des Moines psychotherapist "The Intimate Merton"
9:30 Reading: Janet Drey, “Fourth and Walnut”
9:40 The Rev. Dr. Marilyn Hendricks, "Merton: Inward Journey, Outward Expression"
10:00 Reading: John Noble, Drake University student, “Message to Poets”
10:10 Hilary Mullany, O.S.F., Clinton, Iowa "Merton: Peacemaking and Nonviolence"
10:30 Break
10:40 Lecture excerpt: Thomas Merton, “The Prophetic Vision”
10:50 Jerry Donovan, "Raids on the Unspeakable: Merton and the Problem of Systemic Evil"
11:15 Reading Sherry Hutchison, “Blessed Are the Meek”
11:25 Paul Witmer, "Merton: Silence and Solitude"
11:45 Closing: Joyce Rupp, O.S.M.
For more information, contact, or 515-330-2751
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For the schedule and location of the Thomas Merton Reading Group, please check the calendar regularly.